The Stacks
What are chemical and mechanical recycling for textiles?
In this Ask an Expert, Materials Specialist Jessica Brenner discusses the differences between chemical and mechanical recycling of textiles with example of each. Mechanical recycling is a …
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Infinitely Recyclable Materials
An infinitely recyclable material is one that can be re-constituted as many times as necessary without loss in functional performance. Generally, the recyclability of a material depends primarily on …
What is the Problem with Recycling Plastics?
A couple of weeks ago, British prime minister Boris Johnson got into a bit of a pickle with some remarks ahead of the UN climate change conference, also known as COP26, which happened in Glasgow. A …
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Miniscape: New Recycling Technologies Developed for the Fashion Industry
In this Miniscape, Materials Specialist Jessica Brenner will review new recycling technologies that have been developed for the fashion industry. Circ: Technology System The company, Circ, has …
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Post-Industrial vs. Post-Consumer Recycled
Recall that “recycling” refers to the conversion of waste into new materials and products. This recycled material, or converted waste, is typically categorized into post-consumer recycled content and …
Material Profile: Glass Foam
MC 1076301 / Glass Foam from Steven Akoun This is a moldable, glass-based foam produced entirely from waste stream content. The material offers superior insulation and abrasion properties to create …
What is Waste?
At the end of a product’s lifecycle, we face a choice when disposing of that product. The three main choices we typically have at our disposal include trash (landfill), recycling, and compost — or as …
Top Five Materials: November 2021
MC 838101 / Tidal-Tex™ by Tidal Vision Products, Inc. This Bio-based, non-hazmat treatment from Tidal Vision Products can be applied on everything from fibers to near-finished textiles to deliver …
Food Loss vs. Food Waste
In this series, Jennifer Gumpert, our VP of Business Development and Operations, walks us through material terms and concepts that are used frequently, but not always understood. This week: food loss …
Food packaging: What’s getting recycled?
Today, Materials Specialist Jessica Brenner talks about food packaging recycling - what’s actually being recycled and how does the US compare with other countries? Recycling has always been …
Design for Disassembly
Today, we're excited to be joined by: Mardis Bagley, Partner and Creative Director at Nonfiction; and Dan Kennedy, Partner and Sr. Mechanical Engineer, Sustainability at Ronin PD Labs. We'll be …
Water-Soluble Packaging
The perfect packaging solution does exactly what you need it to: protect the product, present it beautifully, provide seamless and functional use of the product when desired, and then disappear …
What’s New / Next to Reduce Food Waste
In this Material Seminar, Dr. Andrew Dent shares material innovations tackling the food waste problem. In "What's New/Next to Reduce Food Waste," he takes a look at current solutions including: …
3D Food Printing
In this series, Jennifer Gumpert, our VP of Business Development and Operations, walks us through material terms and concepts that are used frequently, but not always understood. This week: 3D food …
Material Profile: Ottan Standard, Acoustic, and Stone-Like Materials
For this material profile, I’ll be speaking about a family of bio-composites made from upcycled waste from the company Ottan Studio. MC 11097-01 -02 -03 / Ottan Standard, Acoustic, and …
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