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Focus On: Rethinking Materials

Whether primary, secondary, or tertiary, there is no denying the prevalence of packaging in our daily lives. The materials and processes used to create containers, boxes, bottles, bags, wraps, and foils are just as important as the items they protect – and more difficult to select in many cases. But how can we ensure the best materials are selected for a given purpose?

Join us as we rethink packaging

Material Seminars

Material Seminars are 30-45 minutes long and provide a trained perspective and better understanding of new innovations and topics in the world of material science and product design.

Ask An Expert

In our Ask An Expert series, the MCX Team answers questions about material selection, our research processes, material science, and other curiosities we frequently hear.


#MCXLive is a series of free virtual discussions that educate on topics related to material choice and innovation. Gain insight from the material minds shaping our world.

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