The library will serve as an education hub where workshops and presentations will be held as well. It is located at the Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design, Hungary’s most famous art university and has a lot of international programs with students from all around the globe.
Services and Opportunities:
- Learning opportunities for all actors of the design industry
- Workshops on design and materials
- On-site access to Material ConneXion’s database
Material Library and Online Database
The Budapest Design Material Library displays 300 material samples, all of which provide innovative and sustainable solutions. It is located at the Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design, one of the biggest art universities in the region.
The primary aim of the library is to provide sufficient education on modern material solutions for students and all actors of the design industry. It serves as a physical and digital education hub.
Workshops on material and design are organized regularly, besides visitors can access the on-site workstation including the global database of Material ConneXion with more than 6000 materials.
Our Team
Ferenc Nagy-Kovács
Professional Coordinator
Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design
Ágota Kovács
Project Manager
Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design
Szabina Császárné Sáfár
Project Manager
Hungarian Fashion & Design Agency

Material ConneXion® at
Hungarian Fashion & Design Agency
Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design
1121 Budapest, Zugligeti street 9-25.
+ 36 30 179 5709